Charm Health, Australia’s leading provider of specialist oncology eHealth systems, and Innovative Clinical Information Management Systems (iCIMS), developer of a new generation of technology that produces tailored information systems for clinical teams, have announced a strategic alliance to leverage the core strengths of both companies to provide advanced functionality to support the delivery of quality comprehensive oncology services.
Charm Health and iCIMS will collaborate on the creation of transparent interoperability between their systems; CHARM and Patient-Centred Tumour Stream Suite (PTSS). The two organisations will work together to enhance data collection for multi-disciplinary team meetings with a focus on improving the workflows and data collection for individual tumour streams in preparing, conducting and recording outcomes specific to each stream.
Charm Health will also take advantage of iCIMS’s strong capabilities in the design and commissioning of research systems, registries and translational data warehouses. Transparent interoperability between CHARM and PTSS will provide the capability to pass critical data onto research systems and registers connected by iCIMS’ patented native interoperability methodology.
Gary Lakin, CEO of Charm Health, commented, “We are excited by the potential of this alliance to deliver significant benefit to our clients – enhancing the data collection, research and reporting capabilities of our existing solution while providing very customisable solutions to meet the needs of various tumour streams.”
“We are delighted to form this alliance with Charm Health.” said Professor Jon Patrick, CEO of iCIMS. “We look forward to working together to further develop advanced capabilities that enables oncology teams to deliver real value to the patient journey, and add improvements to the delivery of CHARM’s chemotherapy information to the translational researchers working with their medical oncology and surgical colleagues”, commented Patrick.